The Problem
- When potential customers visit the website, there is incorrect information, it is not inviting or aesthetically pleasing, and it is confusing to navigate
- Admin who are in charge of updating the website (such as changing the hours or adding photos) endures a time-consuming manual process
Rossana W. (me!)
2 weeks
Google Docs
My role
Stakeholder interview
Website design
Updated website
How might we...?
How might we…refresh the Big C Jewelry & Loan website to be an inviting, easy to navigate website that will encourage potential customers to want to visit the business, as well as make it a website that is easy to manage for the business owners?
There are two core users:
- Potential customers of the business
- Admin (business owners and employees)
Business Goals
Refreshing the website will fulfill these goals:
- Encourage potential customers who visit the website to visit the business in-person, thus increasing business profits
- Allows the business owners and other employees to quickly and easily make updates to the website
Switching to WordPress
I started by learning the journey the admin (one of the business owners) goes through to make a simple change to the website. I realized he was using an extremely outdated method of updating html manually. The process was straight out of 1995. It involved manual steps like downloading webpages, manually changing the html code, even using the Paint application to add images, and then uploading to the server – it was a horrible, time-consuming process
The clients already had a hosting platform with NetFirms. I explored their account and noticed that their plan included WordPress. I watched all the WordPress tutorials on how to set it up on NetFirms and did just that.
The Website - Before
Homepage – dark, too much text, no images, not sure what the business is
History – text formatting is a mess, images are warped, low quality, and outdated
Transaction Options – bad text formatting, text heavy, does not clearly show what the transaction options are
The overall look was dark, hard to read and navigate, and contained incorrect information.
The Website - After
-Color contrast of white background and blue headers/buttons passes WCAG compliance
-All images have alt text for screen readers
-Font style for body text is DM Sans which is easy to read because it is sans serif
-Accessibility statement on the website
Next Steps
-Add a FAQ section so users can easily get questions answered
-Add a product section that showcases items from the jewelry cases currently for sale